In aceasta categorie:
Limbi straine
Metropole und Provinzen in Altosterreich (1880-1918)
De: Jacques Le Rider, Andrei Corbea-Hoisie
Editura: Polirom, An aparitie: 1996
Redactat in limbile germana si engleza, volumul cuprinde o serie de studii ale unor prestigiosi profesori de la universitatile europene, articole referitoare la nivelul cultural si starea sociala a nationalitatilor din vechea Austrie. Pe plan...
Langue francaise contemporaine
De: Alfred Jeanrenaud
Editura: Polirom, An aparitie: 1997
Prin organizarea riguroasa si calitatea documentarii, lucrarea de fata isi propune sa acopere cit mai complet aria problematica legata de morfologia si sintaxa limbii franceze contemporane.Cuprins: Morphologie • Le nom • Les determinants...
Das Haus mit den gelben Gardiren
De: Mariana Codrut
Editura: Polirom, An aparitie: 1998
Editia in limba germana a romanului „Casa cu storuri galbene”. Traducere realizata de Michael Astner
Limba engleza prin exercitii
De: Andrei Bantas,georgiana Galateanu-Farnoaga
Editura: Niculescu, An aparitie: 1999
Limba engleza. Sinteza gramaticala completa...
De: Mariana Taranu
Editura: Corint, An aparitie: 2000
LIMBA ENGLEZA. SINTEZA GRAMATICALA COMPLETA PRIN ENUNTURI SI EXERCITII Lucrarea doamnei profesoare Mariana Taranu reprezinta o vedere de ansamblu asupra gramaticii limbii engleze moderne, specificand in acelasi timp si unele particularitati...
Yazoo Starter Vocabulary Flashcards
De: Jeanne Parett , Charlotte Covil
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Integrates reading, grammar, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way with a focus on speaking skills and grammar practice. Language is presented through humorous cartoon stories, following the adventures of the Yazoo...
Backpack Gold 2 Class Audio CD
De: Mario Herrera , Diane Pinkley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level communicative course that motivates primary learners and supports teachers. Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on...
Limba franceza. Les pieges de l'ortographe
De: Jana Grosu
Editura: Corint, An aparitie: 2000
Lucrarea, compusa din intrebari si raspunsuri detaliate, uneori comentate, privind notiunile de baza ale ortografiei franceze, se adreseaza elevilor, studentilor si tuturor celor care vor sa redacteze fara greseli texte in limba franceza si sa...
Speakout Upper Intermediate Level Workbook with Key+CD
De: * * *
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Comprehensive, multi-strand approach to language development with a strong focus on real-life communication skills. Offers downloadable video podcasts of real-life interviews filmed by the BBC provide learners with models of authentic English as it...
Assessment Book L4 - L6
De: Mario Herrera , Diane Pinkley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level communicative course that motivates primary learners and supports teachers. Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on...
Fly High Level 4 Teacher's Guide
De: Tessa Lochowski
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Fly High is a motivating four-level course for young learners that integrates reading, grammar, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a fun and engaging way. Language is presented in humorous cartoon stories and follows the adventures of the Fly...
Backpack Gold 4 Teachers Book
De: Mario Herrera , Diane Pinkley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Reach into Backpack Gold for a richly illustrated, seven-level communicative course that motivates primary learners and supports teachers. Backpack Gold is packed with child-friendly topics, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on...