In aceasta editura:
Presentations in English+CD
De: Erica J. Williams
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
This course is the ideal choice for anyone who needs to make presentations in English.Our flexible,seven-step approach helps you to ''find your voice'' and develop your own authentic presentation style.You can either work trough the chapters...
Prospects Advanced Teacher's Book
De: Ken Wilson
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Prospects Advanced Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them-ideas to help teachers with every activity-further structure practice ideas for grammar items that cause recurrent problems-photocopiable...
Prospects Intermediate Teacher's Book
De: Ken Wilson , Deirdre Howard-Williams
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Prospects Intermediate Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them-ideas to help teachers with every activity-further structure practice ideas for grammar items that cause recurrent...
Prospects Pre Intermediate Teacher's Book
De: Ken Wilson
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Prospects Pre Intermediate Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them-ideas to help teachers with every activity-further structure practice ideas for grammar items that cause recurrent...
Prospects Super Advanced Teacher's Book
De: Ken Wilson
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Prospects Super Advanced Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them-ideas to help teachers with every activity-further structure practice ideas for grammar items that cause recurrent...
Prospects Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book
De: Ken Wilson
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Prospects Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book contains:-an introduction to key elements in the book and how to activate them-ideas to help teachers with every activity-further structure practice ideas for grammar items that cause recurrent...
Reading for FCE
De: Malcolm Mann,steve Taylore-Knowles
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
The student's book includes:16 thematic units,task-based exercices developing essentiaal reading skills,motivating and interesting first certificate-level texts,wordperfect,providing key practical easy-to-understand exam tips,hints and aproaches.
Reading Teacher's book for FCE
De: Malcolm Mann,steve Taulor-Knowles
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
The teacher's book includes:comprehensive and easy-to use teacher's notes,answer to the student's book activities.
Ready for CAE teacher's book
De: Peter Sunderland,amanda French,claire Morris
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Ready for CAE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English exam.All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit,while in-depth exam training is given in the form...
Ready for FCE Teacher's book
De: Hilary Thomson,roy Norris
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thotough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination.All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit,while in -depth exam training is given in the...
Ready for FCE workbook with key
De: Roy Norris
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offer thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination. All four skills are systematically developed and practised in each unit, while in-depth exam training is given in the...
Ready for PET
De: Nick Kenny,anne Kelly
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
Ready for PET is a motivating short course for all students preparing to take the Camnridge Preliminary English Test.With its clear and thorough approach to all the tasks found in the exam,Ready for PET will help students develop the confidence and...
Rising Star Student's Book A Pre-First Certificate Course
De: Luke Prodromou
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009