In aceasta editura:
How the Camel got his Hump level 3 explorer
De: Rudyard Kipling
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Ox, Dog and Horse work hard for man, but Camel does nothing. This makes Ox, Dog, and Horse angry. This is the charming story of how lazy camel got his hump.Macmillan English Explorers hve been written specifiaclly for young learners of English...
Hhow many Colours? Way Ahead Reader 1A
De: Keith Gaines
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Way Ahead Readers are an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop the reading skills acquired through the Way Ahead course books.There are three Readers at each level, and these are carefully graded o ensure that children not only practise reading at...
Hello Mr Snowman! Way Ahead Reader 2C
De: Printha Ellis , Mary Bowen
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Way Ahead Readers are an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop the reading skills acquired through the Way Ahead course books.There are three Readers at each level, and these are carefully graded o ensure that children not only practise reading at...
Far from the madding crowd+CD Level 4 Pre-intermediate
De: Thomas Hardy
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
-Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises.-Notes about the life of Thomas Hardy.-Points for understanding comprehension questions
FCE Testbuilder with key + 2 CDs
De: Mark Harrison
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
FCE Testbuilder is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the FCE examination.Students can practise exam-style questions paper-by-paper. The Further Practice and Guidance sections and answer keygive...
Frankenstein Level 3 Elementary +CD
De: Mary Shelley
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Reader : Level 3 (Elementary - about 1100 basic words)
Giants Way Ahead Reader 3A
De: Keith Gaines
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Way Ahead Readers are an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop the reading skills acquired through the Way Ahead course books.There are three Readers at each level, and these are carefully graded o ensure that children not only practise reading at...
Global Elementary Coursebook
De: Lindsay Clandfield
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as...
Global Pre-Intermediate Coursebook
De: Lindsay Clandfield
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as...
Goldfinger Level 5 Intermediate
De: Ian Fleming
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Reader : Level 5 (Intermediate -> about 1600 basic words)
Great expectations Level 6 Upper+cd
De: Charles Dickens
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
The marshes beyond the churchyard were grey.The river beyobd the marshes was a darker line of grey.A bitter wind was blowing across the marshes from the sea.The graveyard was a dark and frightening place.-Notes about the life of Charles...
Gulliver's travels in Lilliput Way Ahead Reader 6B
De: Jonathan Swift
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Way Ahead Readers are an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop the reading skills acquired through the Way Ahead course books.There are three Readers at each level, and these are carefully graded o ensure that children not only practise reading at...
Hawk-eye the Pathfinder Level 2 Beginner
De: James Fenimore Cooper
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Reader : Level 2 (Beginner - about 600 basic words)
Heidi Level 4 Pre Intermediate +CD
De: Johanna Spyri
Editura: , An aparitie: 2010
Extra grammar and covabualry exercisesNotes about the storyPoints for Understanding comprehension questionsGlossary of difficult vocabularyFree resources including activities comparing the Reader and film, worksheets, tests and author data sheets...