Limbi straine » Limba Engleza
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
De: CARROLL Lewis, Note si ex. COSTIN Alexandra
Editura: All, An aparitie: 2000
Lecturile suplimentare, imbracand "haina" naratiunii, contribuie la acumulari lingvistice mai rapide si mai usoare, sporind totodata competenta culturala. Cele trei serii (PRIMAR, GIMNAZIAL si LICEAL) si niveluri de dificultate (elementar...
Teste grila de limba engleza admitere la Academia de...
De: Mihaela Cherces
Editura: Carminis, An aparitie: 2012
Aceasta lucrare este un instrument util liceenilor care vor sustine proba de limba engleza la examenul de bacalaureat si candidatilor la admiterea in Academia de Politie,Academia de Stiinte Economice (A.S.E.) si la Facultatea de...
Limba engleza. Reguli, exceptii, dificultati
De: Rachel Bladon, Nicole Irving, Victoria Parker
Editura: Corint, An aparitie: 2012
Peste 100 de jocuri si exercitii de gramatica, punctuatie si ortografieDaca incurci ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie, nu cunosti diferenta intre adjective si adverbe sau ai dubii in privinta ortografierii anumitor grupuri de sunete, aceasta e...
Dictionarul meu ritmat cu ilustratii (roman-englez)
De: Steluta Istratescu
Editura: Tiparg, An aparitie: 2007
English for each kid
De: Ruxandra Epure, Carmen Burcea, Daniela Epure
Editura: Tiparg, An aparitie: 2009
Way Ahead 2 caietul elevului pentru clasa a IV-a
De: Printha Ellis,mary Bowen
Editura: , An aparitie: 2009
De: Luiza Gervescu
Editura: Corint, An aparitie: 2011
Intri intr-o veritabila aventura, alaturi de Johanna, Mary, Andrew si catelul Woof, intr-o poveste care te va ajuta sa vezi cum este folosita limba engleza in situatii cotidiene.Eludand aparent ordinea clasica a invatarii, autoarea propune acumularea...
New Round-Up Starter Student's Book with CD-ROM
De: Virginia Evans , Jenny Dooley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2011
New Round-Up Students' Book 6 with CD-ROM
De: Virginia Evans , Jenny Dooley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2011
Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear, grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons in New Round-Up contain a variety of games and...
New Round-up Students' Book 5 with CD-ROM
De: Virginia Evans , Jenny Dooley
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2011
Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up. Clear, grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons in New Round-Up contain a variety of games and...
Speakout Intermediate Level Student's Book
De: Antonia Clare , JJ Wilson
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Comprehensive, multi-strand approach to language development with a strong focus on real-life communication skills. Offers downloadable video podcasts of real-life interviews filmed by the BBC provide learners with models of authentic English as it...
Speakout Upper-Intermediate Level Student's Book
De: Frances Eales , Steve Oakes
Editura: Longman, An aparitie: 2000
Comprehensive, multi-strand approach to language development with a strong focus on real-life communication skills. Offers downloadable video podcasts of real-life interviews filmed by the BBC provide learners with models of authentic English as it...